Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Eastern Oregon Blocks Series - All 7 Quilts

The seven quilts are shown in the picture above. There was a bit of wind, so I was unable to take a photo with all seven sitting flat against the fence. I mostly wanted to show this picture to demonstrate the relative size of each quilt and the colors.

The quilt sizes are:

- kaleidoscope: 40"x 46"
- ladders to the stars: 59" x 60"
- star of Bethlehem: 43" x 43"
- sagebrush perspective: 43" x 45"
- willow: 43" x 50"
- crop circles: 34" x 46"
- which way: 42" x 56"

I have a bit of fabric left from the start - but, in general, I used the majority of the original fabric collection.

In the end, I think each quilt has its merits. I am happy to have tried so many different designs and surprised by the results. However, it does not seem possible that a person would look at any of the quilts and see Eastern Oregon.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

eo-7 Which Way - Final Quilt

The most interesting part about this quilt for me was the quilting process. I ended up trying to quilt along the diagonal for a few of the arrows - with the lines extending across the quilt. The result is a pretty nice pattern on the back of the quilt, and the top also seems to be more coherent.

The best news about this quilt is that I have successfully completed seven quilts in this series! The next post will show all seven. I need to find a clothesline!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

eo-7 Which Way - Top Assembly

I think I wanted to just hustle through this quilt making process. I do not have many photos of the assembly.

In the end, I created a series of arrows heading toward one another. A white strips is sewn between arrow halves and between each arrow. In addition, the arrows have different lengths.

The quilt has the red fabric backing, but tan binding.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

eo-7 Which Way

The final quilt in this series is motivated by a desire to get better at working with diagonals. I wanted to make a series of arrows - much like the Feathers quilt seen here.

Instead of buying the pattern, I wanted to see if I could work out how to design and lay-out the quilt with the fabric I had on hand. This would mean that the dimensions of the arrows would need to vary.

I wanted to be organized about this and layout each color and plan the design, but really - I did not have enough fabric to do this efficiently. So, instead, I picked the angle for the arrows and tried to work out how to sew together 'strips' of  arrows with the correct offset to minimize fabric waste.

My hope was to use the same taupe color as the background for the entire quilt top. However, I did not have enough fabric for this, so I ended up adding white strips between the arrows.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

eo-6 Crop Circles - Final Quilt

The Crop Circle quilt has the same red fabric for backing and binding as the earlier quilts in this series.

For the quilting, I used a red thread for the back and an off-white thread to trace each circle.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

eo-6 Crop Circles - Top Assembly

The top assembly process was just one of deciding on what colors go where.

Not sure about how to quilt this, though.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

eo-6 Full Circle

Once the quarter circle blocks were assembled, I made half and the full-circles. It might have been possible to go for assembling rows or columns, but I wanted to try to achieve a series of light and dark circles. This required me to layout the full top and it was more convenient to assemble the circle blocks first.

You can see that the block alignment is not perfect, but I am still more interested in the colors than the perfection of the seams.